Newsletter: 25th September 2020
Please take a look at this week's newsletter!
Welcome to our News page.
Please take a look at this week's newsletter!
Here is our first school newsletter created in Microsoft Sway. We hope you enjoy reading it and keeping up to date with the latest news and information.
Please click on the item below to see full details for children to return in September. Children joining us for the first time in Reception should have received an invitation to come into school to meet the teacher!
If your child is joining Skegness Juniors in Year 3, we have transition arrangements in place for them in September to make sure they have a successful start in their new academy. Parent and children meetings have been made during Wednesday 2nd and Thursday 3rd. These are to make sure your child has met their new teacher and seen their new classroom. Hopefully children going into Year 3 will be reassured by these meetings and ready to return for their first full day on Friday 4th September. By Monday 7th September we hope that all children will be ready for their first full week with us!
We are looking forward to seeing everyone again!
The information attached confirms that we are following all the relevant steps to ensure that we are Covid-19 secure.
Wayne Norrie's letter contain further information on academies reopening. The information should put most parents and carers minds at ease
Please read the letter from our CEO, Mr Wayne Norrie, regarding the Prime Minister's latest announcements.
Parents/Carers, thank you so much for supporting your children with their remote learning.
If you require your child's login details please complete the form you received on the text message.
Below, you will see a guide which one of the fabulous teachers has made. This will give you a step by step guide to logging into the remote learning area.
This you tube video from one of the other Academy's might also help you
Once your child has logged in they will also be able to make contact with their class teacher.
The teachers would love to hear from their classes.
During the closure period due to the Corona virus, the attached poster contains information on how we will continue with our free school meal provision
Please read the letter attached below regarding the school closure and complete the link enclosed as necessary. Thank you
Thank you to everyone who came to the calculation workshop today. It was lovely to see so many parents/carers in school to find out how to support children in their maths education.
Six academies from within the Greenwood Academies Trust ( GAT) and two David Ross Academies (DRET) on the East Coast are proposing a change to term dates commencing from September 2020.
Congratulations to all the children who received an award today in the Year One Celebration Assembly - keep up the hard work!