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Parent Pay 

We now use Parent Pay for meal ordering. We will provide you with login details so you can set your account up ready for ordering your child school meals every few weeks. We notify parents via email and Xpressions when weeks are available to order on Parent Pay so you don't miss the deadline.

If you would like to set up your child parent pay account so you can start ordering school dinners, then please contact the school office so we can provide you with the login details.


Universal Free School Meals 

Every child at Skegness Infant Academy is entitled to Universal Free School Meals. This is a government scheme that provides children from Reception to Year 2 to a free school dinner. Once your child goes up to Year 3 onwards, if you are not entitled to Free School Meals, will have to pay for their school dinner. 

If you think you might be entitled to Free School Meals, click here for further information and to apply. 

Break Time

At break time our pupils in Nursery and Reception are entitled to free school milk (until the Friday before their 5th birthday) as part of a government based initiative. All pupils in the Academy benefit from free fruit under this scheme also.  

Packed Lunches From Home 

We encourage parents  to provide their children with packed lunches that adhere to national standards. This is achieved by promoting healthy packed lunch options using the principles of the Balance of Good Health. Please see here for some healthy ideas

We would like to remind you that children CANNOT have nuts in their lunch boxes. 

Encouraging Healthy Eating For Children | ELF | Early Learning Furniture

Food Allergy and Intolerances

If your child has a food allergy or intolerance please let us know at the school office so we can update our records. 

If anything changes with your child and their allergy/intolerance please also keep us updated with the changes so we can support where necessary in school. 

For more information regarding Natasha's Law: