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The attendance target at Skegness Infant Academy is 97%.

The Education (Pupil Registration) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2013 have removed the reference to holidays during term time and now provides that a leave of absence during term time will only be granted where an application is made in advance to the school and the school consider that the leave of absence should be granted due to exceptional circumstances relating to that application.

You can apply for a leave of absence here:

What amounts to “exceptional circumstances” is a matter for the discretion of the Principal and should be judged on a case by case basis, but it is unlikely to amount to an exceptional circumstance if it is merely claimed that a holiday abroad can only be afforded in term time or that a parent is unable to take leave during school holidays.

If your leave of absence has not been authorised by the Academy, you may be issued with a Fixed Penalty Notice by the Local Authority. This could result in a fine of up to £120 per parent per child.

Parents have a responsibility for ensuring their child attends the Academy regularly and punctually. The Academy expects that all parents communicate with them, either in writing or by telephone, giving a reason:

  1. In advance of any planned absence.
  2. Immediately following any unplanned absence.
  3. During any absence expected to last more than three days.


It is easy to inform the office of an absence!

You can either visit the office directly or:

Telephone: 01754 762059

Send a text message: 07931 594917


Please include your child’s name, class and reason for absence in your text message/email.


Failure to comply with this requirement will mean that your child will have unauthorised absences on their attendance record and this could lead to a referral to the Education Welfare Service.

Parents/carers should inform the Attendance Officer of any problem or reason that may prevent their child from attending the Academy.

Parents/carers should contact us, in confidence, whenever a problem occurs that may affect their child’s attendance. Regular attendance means arriving on time for the start of the Academy day. It is the parent/carers responsibility to ensure their child gets to the Academy on time.

Parents of pupils who are regularly late will be contacted, so we can work together to rectify the situation. Where no improvement is made, the Education Welfare Service will be informed.


Mrs Bryan, our Attendance Officer will help you with any enquiries.

Attendance and Safeguarding procedures

Safeguarding Procedures

We would like to remind parents/carers of our safeguarding procedures that are in place for children that do not attend school.

If your child does not attend school, and we do not receive a reason why  - a member of the safeguarding team may come to your home to ascertain why. This is called a 'safe and well check'. If your child has been absent from school and does not return on the 3rd consecutive day, a safe and well check will be carried out by a member of the safeguarding team (regardless of whether or not you have informed school why your child is absent). You will receive a text message informing you of this possibility.

Please appreciate that we have a duty of care to the children who are a part of our school, and the safeguarding procedure is in place to make sure children are kept safe.