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Data Protection Statement


The Skegness Infant Academy is registered as a data controller under the Data Protection Act as we collect and process information about our pupils, their parents and carers, our visitors and our staff. We hold and process this information in order to provide an effective service to our stakeholders. This notice will explain how we use and share the information we collect. Information may be collected in many different ways such as on paper, by telephone, electronically, by CCTV or by a member of staff in person.

Why do we collect this information?

The Skegness Infant Academy holds a wide variety of information about our pupils, their parents and carers, our visitors and our staff in order to:

  • Support a pupil’s teaching and learning
  • Monitor and report on progress
  • Provide appropriate pastoral care
  • Ensure the safety of our pupils
  • Assess the performance of the Academy

How we use your information

We will use your information in a manner that conforms to the Data Protection Act; we will endeavour to keep the information we use up to date and will not keep it longer than necessary. In some instances the law sets the length of time information has to be kept.

We will not pass any personal data on to third parties, other than those who either process information on our behalf, or because it is a legal requirement. We will only do so, where possible, after we have ensured that sufficient steps have been taken to protect the personal data by the recipient.  For further information about the third parties that process data on our behalf please contact us using the information later in this notice.

We will not disclose any information that you provide ‘in confidence’ to us, to anyone else without your permission, except in the few situations where disclosure is required by law, or where we have good reason to believe that failing to share the information would put someone else at risk.

Information Sharing

We may need to pass your information to other people and organisations that provide a service on our behalf. These providers are obliged to keep the information securely, and only use it for the purpose we have commissioned them for.

We may disclose information to other partners where it is necessary, either to comply with a legal obligation, or where permitted under the Data Protection Act, e.g. where the disclosure is necessary for the purposes of the prevention and/or detection of crime.

Where we need to disclose sensitive or confidential information such as medical details to other partners, we will do so only with your prior explicit consent or where we are legally required to. We may disclose information when necessary to prevent risk of harm to an individual.

At no time will your information be passed to organisations external to the Greenwood Dale Foundation Trust for marketing or sales purposes or for any commercial use without your prior express consent.

Your rights

You are legally entitled to request access to any information about you that we hold, and a copy. We try to ensure that any information we hold about you is correct. There may be situations where you find the information we hold is no longer accurate and you have the right to have this corrected.

Further Information

If you would like to know more about how we use the information we collect and process, please contact us at:

Skegness Infant Academy, Cavendish Road, Skegness PE25 2QU

Telephone: 01754 762059

If you require general information about the Data Protection Act, information is available on the Information Commissioner’s website at