Children in Need 2024
The children enjoyed welcoming a very special visitor to our Academy today!
Welcome to our News page.
The children enjoyed welcoming a very special visitor to our Academy today!
Children really enjoyed the presentation and workshops for our author visit by Bethany Walker today
We will remember them
Thank you to everyone who donated produce for our Harvest Festival today. All proceeds are being given to Skegness Storehouse Foodbank for families in our local community.
We celebrated Harvest Festival in school today. We explored things that we were thankful for and supporting our local community.
Children completed a range of activities exploring mental health. Here Skylarks are practising their Happy Dance.
Children dressed in yellow to raise awareness of the important of mental health and well being.
Thank you to everyone who attended our Phonics and Reading Parent Workshops
Children had a fantastic time exploring personal history as part of the joint history project with SJA.
What a great turn out for our Macmillan coffee morning!
Grace Darling Workshop in Year One
Which storybook stars can you see?