All pupils in Academies sponsored by the Greenwood Academy Trust wear a smart and affordable uniform and our expectation is that all our pupils wear the full academy uniform while attending Skegness Infant Academy (Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and 2). Our uniform gives pupils a sense of ‘belonging’ and helps foster a pride in the academy. Please see below on the full list.
The uniform for boys and girls is listed below:
Purple sweatshirt
White polo shirt
Purple book bag
Grey trousers
Grey socks
Sensible black shoes
Summer Option:
Grey shorts
Purple sweatshirt or cardigan
White polo shirt
Purple book bag
Grey trousers, skirt or pinafore dress.
Grey socks with trousers
Grey or white socks or grey tights with skirt or pinafore dress
Sensible black shoes
Summer Option:
Purple & white checked gingham dress.
PE Kit:
White polo shirt/ Academy logo PE shirt
Black shorts
Black hoodie/ Academy logo PE hoodie
Black jogging bottoms
Black plimsolls and/or trainers
Purple PE bag
Additional Options:
Purple junior cap
Purple sun hat
Please ensure that all uniform items are clearly labelled with your child's name.
Additional information.
Parents are asked to provide:
- Sensible black shoes (not boots or trainers) for everyday wear
- Suitable footwear for PE
- A warm coat (not denim) for travelling to and from the Academy
Our new logo has been designed to bring together Skegness Infant and Junior Academies. There will no longer be the need to buy a new set of uniform in Year 3 if the set your child wore in Year 2 still fits. This should add some value to your child's uniform as the change of logo is no longer necessary!
Our school uniform supplier can be accessed here https://www.nationwideschooluniforms.co.uk/school-uniform/primary-school/skegness-infant-junior-academies
Unfortunately we will not be keeping any stock on site and all purchases and transactions are via our new supplier.
Our new logo from Nursery to Year 6
School Jumpers and cardigan selection